poxvirus — ● poxvirus nom masculin Famille de virus à A.D.N. comprenant les Orthopoxviridæ, responsables de maladies éruptives (variole, vaccine), et les Parapoxviridæ, responsables de lésions cutanées (nodule des trayeurs, orf, molluscum contagiosum).… … Encyclopédie Universelle
poxvirus — [päks′vī΄rəs] n. any of a family (Poxviridae) of very large, complex DNA viruses affecting skin tissue, including those causing smallpox, cowpox, etc … English World dictionary
poxvirus — /poks vuy reuhs/, n. pl. poxviruses. any of a group of large, brick shaped DNA containing viruses that infect humans and other animals, including the viruses of smallpox and various other poxes. [1940 45; POX + VIRUS] * * * Any of a group of… … Universalium
poxvirus — Cualquiera de un grupo de virus causantes de una amplia variedad de enfermedades pustulosas en los seres humanos y otros animales. Un poxvirus era la causa de la viruela (la varicela es causada por el virus varicela zoster). La partícula viral… … Enciclopedia Universal
Poxvirus AX element late mRNA cis-regulatory element — This family represents a cis regulatory element present at the 3 ends of poxvirus late mRNAs and is known as the AX element. The AX element is involved in directing the efficient production and orientation dependent formation of late RNAs. [cite… … Wikipedia
poxvirus — noun Etymology: New Latin Date: 1941 any of a family (Poxviridae) of brick shaped or ovoid double stranded DNA viruses (as the causative agents of cowpox and smallpox) having a fluffy appearance caused by a covering of tubules or filaments … New Collegiate Dictionary
Poxvirus — Poxviridae Poxviridés … Wikipédia en Français
poxvirus — noun Any of a group of DNA viruses, of the family Poxviridae, that cause pox diseases in vertebrates … Wiktionary
poxvirus — Any virus of the family Poxviridae. p. officinalis SYN: vaccinia virus. * * * pox·vi·rus päks .vī rəs n any of the family Poxviridae of brick shaped or ovoid double stranded DNA viruses * * * n. one of a group of large DNA containing viruses… … Medical dictionary
poxvirus — n. any infectious virus that causes smallpox chickenpox or other related diseases … English contemporary dictionary